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  • As at Phoenix, many attend university to improve their employment prospects. As she considers Cassab's life story (migration to Australia in 1951, having lost her mother, grandmother, uncle and other family members in Auschwitz), and those of a generation of Holocaust refugees, Niall is acutely aware of the human cost of the Howard government's policy on detention centres and shocked by its 'scant respect for the rights of refugees'. Her parents had just built a salubrious house on Studley Park Road, near Kew Junction. Hope's young English Department in Canberra and writing her MA on Edith Wharton. How to provide for so many new students? One answer, adopted in many nations, was to insist on a distinction between universities on the one hand, and technical training on the other – between a few research institutions with a commitment to fundamental discovery of new knowledge, and many more institutions committed to the training of workers requiring high levels of expertise.
    I typed his name into MySpace, feeling covert and slightly criminal. There was a photo of him on one side of the screen, handsome and poised, with his astrological sign, educational background and a description of his ideal mate. On the opposite side of the screen, there were scrolls of e-mail messages that other MySpace members had sent him: friendly, uncapitalized, hallucination-free greetings. The messages had this in common: They were all written to a correspondent who led an unquestionably normal life.
    They were not written to a haunted self, or someone who had failed trials of antipsychotic drugs, or someone who had been hospitalized again and again under duress. Nor, apparently, was that unseen self writing back. The last dozen messages on the screen were exactly the same. noarthurpols.podradio888blogger.commo I had gone on the site only a day after his death, but his cyberobituary must have traveled faster. Yet even though such acts can jeopardize patients, the inclination and ability of young doctors to speak up is hampered by the hierarchies in teaching hospitals.
    Modern medical education can be traced to a series of reforms that began in the late 19th century. One of the most notable occurred at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, where educators initiated a formal system to train students on the clinical wards.
    In our last meeting, before he stopped coming to appointments, he told me that he had joined the site to meet friends. There was a photo of him on one side of the screen, handsome and poised, with his astrological sign, educational background and a description of his ideal mate. I had thought of him as struggling under the constant hold of hallucinations. Yet even though such acts can jeopardize patients, the inclination and ability of young doctors to speak up is hampered by the hierarchies in teaching hospitals. noarthurpols.podradio888blogger.commo At the same time, professors at Johns Hopkins and elsewhere instituted early versions of modern residency training programs, in which residents — newly minted doctors — learned their profession on the wards from attending physicians and, in turn, taught students. On the top were the senior physicians who made rounds on the wards once or twice daily. Although some senior physicians welcomed feedback from their juniors, others disdained it, either overtly or through intimidation.
    Although this practice made many students uncomfortable, most were afraid to speak up. He then reminded the student that while he had examined hundreds of such cases, the student had seen only a few. What should a medical student do in such a situation? One possibility is to take the matter up with a more senior doctor.
    Still, it will be hard to change the unfortunate perception that constructive feedback, even for a patient's benefit, is whistle-blowing. Batchelor, with just under five hundred student places allocated for 2006, is the sole survivor of pre-Dawkins days.

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